My future profession :)

Hello everyone, in this blog I will write about my future profession, chemist pharmacist, a professional trained in the manufacture, development and research of medicines, health and quality control. I am studying the second year of my career, and the positive aspects of this are that it has many job opportunities, good remuneration, I really like learning about medicines, health, toxicology and career-related topics. This profession provides many benefits to society, among which we can highlight the advance in the creation of new medicines for diseases even without treatments, which in turn can guarantee a better quality of life for patients.

In general, I chose this career because I had classes at school related to the creation of drugs, where they taught me the entire process that a drug requires to be marketed, and the career caught my attention, besides that it has always I liked to see things related to the health professions, such as series, documentaries, etc, so I was interested in studying and working in the future in the area of ​​forensic chemistry. Now I am very happy with the degree and what I learned in these two years.


  1. I hope I can graduate with you although maybe I can only attend yours jsjs

  2. I hope that not find nothing strange when you are forensic.

  3. you must look nice in your lab coat uwu

  4. How great is your school! It's the first time I read that a school teaches about drugs!


  5. your school is cooooooooooooooool ( ^_^)/


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